Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We had the chance to explore the Stellarium program during class. I thought that this was such a cool program. I remember doing a science project where I was supposed to observe the phases of the moon every night and record what we saw. Sometimes the nights were cloudy or I forgot so I just made up what I thought it was supposed to look like. This was not the most effective or correct way to do the project. Stellarium is a program that doesn't give you an actual view of the sky, but a simulated view of the sky. I thought it was so handy to be able to change the view and where you were on the earth. It was useful to be able to speed up time and see all the phases of the moon in a minute. I think that this program would be very helpful to present the phases of the moon, or the rotation of the stars, or many different things about the heavens.

1 comment:

  1. I did that same thing when I had the moon phases project. I totally made them up! But stellarium really is cool. It allows you to explore. I really like this program.
