Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Internet Safety Reading Questions

1. Let our Voices be Heard - M. Russell Ballard
• What does Elder Ballard say is our “biggest challenge” related to media?
To choose wisely what we listen to and what we watch.
• What guidelines have our Church leaders been giving us for safe use of media such as the TV and Internet?
“Do not attend, view, or participate in entertainment that is vulgar, immoral, violent, or pornographic in any way. Do not participate in entertainment that in any way presents immorality or violent behavior as acceptable. …
“Have the courage to walk out of a movie or video party, turn off a computer or television, change a radio station, or put down a magazine if what is being presented does not meet Heavenly Father’s standards. Do these things even if others do not.”
• As a teacher, how can you appropriately influence children and parents to develop healthy patterns of media use?
I can be an example by only using uplifting media. I can send parents notes home about internet safety and encourage them to be involved with the media their child is involved in.
2. Provident Living Guidelines Regarding Internet Safety
• Which of these guidelines do you follow?
Place computers in high-traffic areas of the home.
Teach children not to share any personal information online without parental knowledge and permission.
Educate yourself about your computer and how the Internet works.
• How might you share these guidelines with family and friends?
I can talk about these guidelines with my family and help them understand the importance of following the safety precautions.
3. Technology and a House of Learning
• What experiences have you had at home with the balance between protecting and providing when it comes to technology use?
When I was growing up, my parents would always have the internet have a password. They always knew when we were on-line and why we were on-line. The computer was in a high-traffic area so nothing was secret about what you were doing.
• What ideas do you have for learning to preside, provide, protect, and nurture when it comes to technology in your own home?
I will learn how to put a filter on the computer so that I can know what my children do on the internet. The internet will have a password so that I know when they are on-line and what they are doing. The computer will be in a high-traffic area. Our family will have discussions about internet safety so that everyone know what is expected of them.
4. Article of your choice under categories of Media or the Internet
1. What article did you choose to read for your fourth article?
“I Have a Question,” Ensign, Mar 2001, 58–59
2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings?
The internet is becoming more and more a part of our everyday life and we need to be able to cope with it in a healthy way. We need to be aware of what is out there and then make the necessary changes to protect from what we do not want in our homes.
3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?
I will be more prepared to face the challenges of internet safety. I can promote internet safety at home by helping the parents of my students be aware as well.
4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
I will be more prepared to face the challenges of internet safety. I can be more confident in making rules and knowing that the leaders of our church have given guidelines that we can follow.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Internet Safety Conversation

For my internet safety conversation I talked with my husband (24 years old). I felt like we were pretty aware of the dangers of the internet beforehand. However, as we discussed in further depth, he did not know a lot of the things I learned from watching the videos. The main topic of our conversation was how we could as future parents be involved enough in our future childrens' lives to know what they are doing online. We discussed ways to monitor the internet in our home. We talked about the importance of building good relationships with them so that we could talk about things that we were worried about openly with them. I think that it was very effective for us to have this discussion.

A couple things I learned from presentations

I really enjoyed watching and listening to and learning from the technology presentations from our practicum. One of the main things I learned was that the Title 1 schools are spoiled as far as technology goes. It was much easier for them to prepare a lesson where the students were actively involved with the technology. Those schools had access to much more technology than did a school such as mine. I also learned that technology is not always reliable. One of the presentations in my group had an extreme difficulty in that the technology did not even work. I think that technology when it is accessible and integrated can be very valuable in teaching.